Cyber Actors Exploit Secure Websites In Phishing Campaigns

Fraud Alerts

Websites with addresses that start with "https" are supposed to provide privacy and security to visitors. After all, the "s" stands for "secure" in HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. In fact, cyber security training has focused on encouraging people to look for the lock icon that appears in the web browser address bar on these secure sites. The presence of "https" and the lock icon are supposed to indicate the web traffic is encrypted and that visitors can share data safely. Unfortunately, cyber criminals are banking on the public's trust of "https" and the lock icon. They are more frequently incorporating website certificates-third-party verification that a site is secure-when they send potential victims emails that imitate trustworthy companies or email contacts. These phishing schemes are used to acquire sensitive logins or other information by luring them to a malicious website that looks secure.


The following steps can help reduce the likelihood of falling victim to HTTPS phishing:

  • Do not simply trust the name on an email: question the intent of the email content.
  • If you receive a suspicious email with a link from a known contact, confirm the email is legitimate by calling or emailing the contact; do not reply directly to a suspicious email.
  • Check for misspellings or wrong domains within a link (e.g., if an address that should end in ".gov" ends in ".com" instead).
  • Do not trust a website just because it has a lock icon or "https" in the browser address bar.

Victim Reporting

The FBI encourages victims to report information concerning suspicious or criminal activity to their local FBI field office, and file a complaint with the IC3 at If your complaint pertains to this particular scheme, please note "HTTPS phishing" in the body of the complaint.


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