Financial Market Indicators - What to Watch


Managing your finances should include being aware of financial market conditions. While your portfolio of individual stocks or bonds will not perform exactly like the overall market, knowing what the general market is doing can help you put your investments’ results in perspective. 

Monitoring the changes and trends of these indicators is a way to gain a general understanding of changes in the economy. Being aware of these indicators’ changes and trends can help put your finances into a broader perspective and help you make better decisions about your saving, borrowing and investing.


Investment and Insurance products are not a deposit, not FDIC-insured, not guaranteed by TowneBank, not insured by any state or federal government agency, and may go down in value.

Only deposit products are FDIC insured.

The information provided is not intended to be legal, tax, or financial advice or recommendations for any specific individual, business, or circumstance. TowneBank cannot guarantee that it is accurate, up to date, or appropriate for your situation. Financial calculators are provided for illustrative purposes only. You are encouraged to consult with a qualified attorney or financial advisor to understand how the law applies to your particular circumstances or for financial information specific to your personal or business situation.

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