Protect Your Mail

Security Center

The mail your business sends and receives includes information that deserves special attention. For example, information on incoming statements and outgoing checks like account numbers and balances can be valuable to thieves. Here are some ideas to help keep your mail secure:

Sending Mail

  1. Never mail cash or coins.
  2. Use checks that are tamper-resistant and print checks using a computer or write them in ink.
  3. Instead of placing mail in an outgoing mail receptacle or mailbox, use a post office collection box. Visit the USPS website to find the location nearest you.

Receiving Mail

  1. Consider renting a post office box or private mailbox. This way your mail (and UPS or FedEx shipments if you choose a private mailbox) will be received securely.
  2. Invest in a postmaster-approved locking mailbox. Be sure to select one that will allow for the mail carrier to insert your usual volume of mail and only distribute keys to individuals within your organization that absolutely need them.
  3. If you use a mailbox that does not lock, take extra precautions. Do not leave mail you receive in your mailbox for any longer than necessary. If your business will be closed for a period of time, like during a holiday break, make sure your mail is picked up. And if you see suspicious individuals around your mailbox, contact the post office or the police.
  4. If you are expecting a check or other piece of valuable mail and do not receive it, contact the sender. Ask them to stop payment on a check if you think it has been stolen.
  5. If you believe your mail has been stolen, contact your postmaster.
  6. If you do not receive your mail all of a sudden, it is possible that someone filed a change of address for your business. Contact your post office to find out.
  7. If you move or change address, notify the post office and anyone that you do business with in advance.

For more on USPS services like post office boxes and changes of address visit their website at


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