Text Alerts in Business Online Banking
Enabling a Mobile Phone for Text Alerts
To get started, select Administration and then Self Administration.
On the Self Administration page, select Personal Preferences
Then, select the Edit icon in the lower right-hand corner of the panel.
Check the box under Mobile that says Use with Alerts and click the Update button.
*Note: If your number is not labeled as mobile, please contact support at 844-638-6724.
Managing Text Alerts in Business Online Banking
Once you have enabled a mobile phone for text, you can specify which account and service you would like to get alerts for.
To begin, select Administration and then Communications.
On the Communications page, select Manage Alerts
On the Manage Alerts screen you will find a variety of alerts available for set up including account specific alerts, non-account alerts, multiple account alerts, and even custom alerts. The steps below outline the setup of an account specific alert.
Select the account you would like to receive alerts for in the drop-down menu, then select the edit icon from each alert type below. On the expanded panel, click the box next to your mobile phone number and select ‘Save’ to make the change.
Repeat these steps for each alert you'd like to enable for text.