Pitt County Council on Aging
Life-Affirming Support for Seniors and Caretakers

Come one, come all - Pitt County Council on Aging (PCCOA) has got it all! Whether you are a senior looking for assistance and connection, or a caretaker seeking resources, PCCOA serves families and residents across greater Greenville. PCCOA is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for older adults through a wide range of services, programs, and resources that promote healthy living and independence. By streamlining public and private resources and coordinating efforts, the council promotes maximum independence and dignity for adults ages 55 and older.
The COA was founded in 1975 to serve seniors in the greater Greenville area by helping them maintain independence in their homes, primarily through transportation services. Over the last four decades, the organization has expanded to six locations serving an average of 850 people weekly.
“Our audience is not just seniors - it is everyone, because everyone is impacted by aging,” says Rich Zeck, executive director of PCCOA. “We strive to educate and bring conversations about aging to the forefront.”
The council provides services in three key areas: aging services, nutritional services, and programming and volunteers. Aging services cover information, referrals, and resources for all aging-related questions. Trained, experienced specialists can advise and refer on topics like home care, medical alert systems, and long-term care, and can also provide unbiased education and counseling to Medicare beneficiaries. PCCOA also offers services that promote healthy aging and injury prevention, with classes that focus on balance, managing chronic pain, and exercises that improve flexibility, posture, and reduce fall risks, to name a few. Classes and programs are free and available to seniors and their caretakers.
“The average age of people calling us for information is 47,” says Rich. “We serve caretakers and future caretakers, who are often shocked by the cost of prescription drugs, or need help navigating legal matters, like wills or power of attorney, or even feelings of disconnect experienced by a senior in their care.”
PCCOA’s nutritional services programs provide a wide range of services and assessments, including home-delivered meals, discounts on supplements like Ensure, and healthy eating and socialization through their congregate lunch program. “We partner with Meals on Wheels to serve a hot meal to 400 seniors Monday through Friday every week,” says Rich. “These seniors are isolated and are too frail to visit food banks or pantries, so these meals and interactions are life-giving.”

The programming and volunteer department offers community activities and engagement opportunities for seniors that cover a range of interests, from woodworking and jewelry making, to wine tastings and cooking classes, and seven different exercise classes, including Zumba, chair yoga, and shag dancing lessons.
“People think of a senior center as a place to play bingo or knit - and that is just not the case,” says Rich. PCCOA offers standing classes and special interest workshops, as well as day trips to Raleigh and overnight experiences to Charleston, Niagara Falls, and even an international trip to Spain.
TowneBank was excited to partner with PCCOA on the expansion of the Greenville Senior Wellness Center that opened in February 2023. “We’d been in the previous building for 15 years and had reached capacity. Support of our capital campaign through many generous donors, including TowneBank, allowed us to double the size of the senior room, in turn allowing us to serve more people and offer more programs than ever.”
“Every day, 10,000 people turn 65 in the United States,” says Rich. “And in 2032, more people in the U.S. will be over the age of 65 than under the age of 18. The demographics are shifting, and we are positioning ourselves for the future and to respond to evolving demands.”
To learn more or to volunteer, visit PittCOA.com.