Metrolina Association for the Blind
Reaching Out in the Charlotte Area to Help People with Vision Difficulties
Ninety years ago, the famous author and speaker Helen Keller was touring the U.S. to advocate for people who were blind like herself. Some local business leaders and interested citizens met with Helen Keller when she was in North Carolina. She challenged the community to become “knights for the blind.” That led to the creation of the Metrolina Association for the Blind (MAB) in 1934 to provide opportunities for people with vision challenges to have more independence.
“For the last 90 years, we have been supporting this community to ensure that people who are experiencing vision loss can be independent,” says Tracy Libertino, MAB president and CEO. “You can thrive as a person who can’t see. Some people call it a disability. We like to use the term ‘diverse ability.’”
Metrolina Association for the Blind helps people who are blind or visually impaired in a variety of ways. Those with remaining functional vision learn to use assistive tools and devices to help them meet their goals and maximize the use of their remaining vision. Those with vision loss or blindness are able to learn daily living skills and utilize non-visual means of meeting their goals. MAB’s skilled professional staff develop a strong working relationship with every client in order to understand each person's unique needs and to implement an individually designed, holistic program plan from the variety of services that MAB offers.
“Our goal is not to be the only one advocating for people who are experiencing vision loss,” Tracy says. “We teach our clients how to advocate for themselves.”

For example, many clients learn how to use a mobility cane to navigate their homes and communities. They learn to use public transportation and have access to MAB’s door-through-door transportation services. For clients who have not been able to work because they are unable to clearly see their computer, MAB provides training in assistive technology, such as screen readers, and support for clients to advocate for what they need on the job. Specialized magnifiers, alternative lighting, accessible smart phone apps and much more, can make a huge difference for clients with low vision.
Tracy shares that one of the biggest challenges for people experiencing blindness is isolation. “We want to help people get out of their homes and re-engage with the community—get back to living a rich life,” she says.
One program, called Mini Center, includes weekly classes introducing basic skills and tools that foster independence. Mini Center teaches skills that sighted people may take for granted, such as grocery shopping, cooking, home organization, and money management.
“We want to do everything we can to help people live independent lives and thrive, not just survive,” Tracy says. “Charlotte is an area of the country with a fast-growing population of people who have or may experience visual impairment beyond what can be corrected with traditional glasses. One in three people over the age of 55 will need our services in the next five years.”
Access to and security of personal information are critical for those living with vision loss. In 1985, MAB created the earned revenue division of the organization now known as Accessible Document Services serving businesses through the delivery of document transcription in Braille, large print, audio CD, and accessible PDF for over 16,000 individuals monthly.
“Imagine if you were unable to access your bank account balance or your utility bill. Our team securely provides these sensitive documents allowing consumers with blindness and low vision an opportunity for independent access to their own information,” Tracy says.
While the Accessible Document Services division reaches clients across the United States, MAB’s clinical and rehabilitation services address the needs of an ever-growing population of individuals with vision impairment. In Charlotte and the surrounding area, this number is expected to double over the next decade, driving MAB to expand its partnerships in the community as well as its program offerings.
TowneBank is helping to provide funding for an MAB program that pairs blind veterans as mentors and instructors to young people with vision challenges preparing to enter the workforce.

“These youth are trying to understand their own opportunities for the future. Youth may struggle or feel isolated with little exposure to other successful people living with vision loss,” Tracy says. “We strive to create a fun, enriching environment to learn and socialize with others who are going through similar things. Community partners, mentors, and peers help to expose youth to inspiring options for future employment. Helping them to recognize that they can do great things and not feel hindered in any way because of their inability to see.”
MAB was working with several banks when Tracy joined the organization five years ago. “Through working with Will Bishop, our TowneBank senior vice president, we learned that we had a bank that was a real partner. We are a small nonprofit, but we have received incredible service from Will and his team. He helped us understand the PPP process during COVID and accelerated our ability to respond. He is always there with opportunities for us to make the best use of every penny we have. He is always thinking about us. We have been fortunate to have good neighborhood supporters like Will, excellent staff, and wonderful volunteers to help forward our mission.”
MAB can always use partners and volunteers. For more information and to see how you can help, visit
A family tragedy inspired Tracy to work for MAB.
“My father had retinitis pigmentosa that was not diagnosed for many years,” she says. Retinitis pigmentosa, or RP, is a genetic disease that causes a gradual loss of peripheral vision and, eventually, almost total blindness. Tracy says a nurse at her father’s work recognized that he was blind after a worksite accident even though he had been working and driving.
“In those days, there was a stigma around blindness—that you couldn’t work or support your family,” Tracy says. “Eventually, my father went through rehab and workforce readiness and was given a white cane. He ended up opening his own business that was thriving.”
Unfortunately, Tracy’s father was hit by a car and killed while crossing the street. This tragedy underscored for Tracy the importance of holistic care that not only teaches skills of everyday living, but ensures clients’ safety as well.