Pitt County Girls Softball League
A World Series Winner in Greenville
The Pitt County Girls Softball League is a dynamic group of girls who have won many championships over the years with many players going on to excel on collegiate and professional level teams.
While the past record of wins and the number of athletes that have gone on to play at the collegiate or professional level is exceptional, the League’s foundation of promoting teamwork, developing leaders, and strengthening self-esteem is the fuel that gives PCGSL the confidence in the future of their teams and their athletes.
Chris Howard, president of the board of directors of PCGSL, says, “We are a highly competitive League, so a player who isn’t seeking that level might be deterred, but since we focus on player-to-player mentoring, there’s room for all skill levels here. We strive to create a teaching environment. If a player wants to push herself and improve on and off the field, we can provide the resources for that.” Only one team from North Carolina has ever won the Little League Softball World Series before.
The PCGSL has an inclusive environment: All players who try out are placed on a team and will get time on the field. “Organized sports are a great way for kids to be exposed to the ups and downs of teamwork, learning humility, winning and losing. I’ve been a part of this League for a decade, and it’s been really cool to watch players grow into incredible athletes,” says Chris.
Many of their alumni have gone on to play in college and professionally. The world’s interest and love for softball has grown exponentially over the years, with the Little League® Softball World Series garnering more and more attention. This has proven to benefit the PCGSL as they enjoy full rosters and consistent, strong volunteer coaches, and a Board to make it all happen. PCGSL manages a complex of four fields and four batting cages for their teams to utilize, but it wasn’t always this way. For many years, the League didn’t have a true home; teams traveled all over Pitt County to play at available fields, which became challenging for coaches, players, parents, and supporters. As the League grew, demand and desire for a centralized location for their “home field” grew, too. After a lot of effort and fundraising, the League dedicated its new softball complex in May 1998.
The Sara A. Law Memorial Softball Complex is named in memory of one of its 1994 State Champion all-star team members who died in the spring of 1995 after contracting meningococcal meningitis. The complex became a long-awaited reality for a host of folks, including players, parents, and other volunteers who worked diligently to help make it ready for play. Efforts were coordinated by committee co-chairman Mark Garner.
The complex needed new outdoor lighting recently, and while their fundraising is strong due to generous volunteers and donors, they knew they needed a loan to purchase these lights. The Board did their due diligence in seeking out financing, and TowneBank emerged as the clear choice. “We already had insurance through Towne Insurance, so when we did the loan for the lights, we explored working with TowneBank. We appreciate that TowneBank offers support and favorable programs to nonprofit organizations such as ourselves, so went ahead and moved other accounts over. Everyone at TowneBank has been very helpful and communicative, making this such a smooth transition for all of us who touch our finances,” Chris said.
As summer progresses, keep an eye on Pitt County Girls Softball League to follow their road to the World Series!